
Team of trainers at MBO4Leisuresports

MBO4Leisuresports works with a small team of sport specific trainers and specialists. They are passionate people who combine practice and theory based on a solid foundation of learning.

Gert-Jan Pruijn


Trainer water, snow and outdoor sports

Fabian Naerebout

Trainer water sports

Pieter Bekkers

Trainer outdoor sports

Team Willem Kieboom windsurfen

Willem Kieboom

Trainer water sports

Coen Vuijk

Trainer of the trainers

Team Piet Stut CPL

Piet Stut

Trainer CPL-theorie

Jurriaan van Duivenboden

Trainer water and snow sports

Lucas de Geus

Trainer water, snow and outdoor sports

Dirk Ladiges

Trainer raften

Gaby Dijkstra


Lars Schreurs

Trainer climbing/outdoor

Christophe Kern

Trainer hiking/outdoor

Steven Everling

Trainer snow sports